And what does she propose to remedy the tendencies of these racist beasts? Doggie diversity training!
It is possible to mitigate such behavior, through a sort of doggie diversity training, whereby the pet is gradually exposed to what sets it off. But it can be hard to persuade your black or white-bearded friends to participate in such cultural immersion exercises.
What do you expect from racist animals? Cooperation? Heh. I think not.
Some will argue that what dogs display is not racism, but something more akin to cause-and-effect conditioning. Really, though, is there a difference? Consider that many people become prejudiced by being raised in a very insular way, in their own enclave of whites or Hispanics or blacks, largely ignorant of people who are different. Humans, too, fear the unfamiliar and use a bad experience or two to tar a whole class of people.
Lady, read that title of this blog. It is racism. Dogs are bitter racists! Quit making excuses!
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